Restorative Practices
Our selection of Restorative Practices as our underpinning philosophy for behaviour management and student wellbeing is an important one.
The key aims of Restorative Practices are to:
- Focus the students on the harm caused and relationships affected when poor behaviour choices are made.
- To act upon repairing this harm and these relationships, by taking full responsibility for our actions.
- To promote ways of caring for each other and using language in our school that develops morals and values in our students.
A key feature of Restorative Practices is that it assists us to focus on the past, present and future when there is conflict. Traditional behaviour management strategies have a stronger focus on blame and punishment as a deterrent for poor behaviours, however this leaves us too focussed on the past and fails to involve students and their families in the solutions.
When dealing with situations restoratively, our teachers will use a series of questions to help students come to fair and effective resolutions:
For those who may have caused the harm:
For those affected:
At Rosebery PS, we are very excited about how Restorative Practices contributes to making our school one where community matters. We care for each other and the feelings generated by being a part of our school are ones that reflect a commitment to being positive, safe and friendly.